Restore and Renew Education
Freedom to lead, to guide, and freedom to succeed.
We are passionate about equipping school leaders through highly effective training and consultancy, to be fully enabled to lead and succeed in 21st century education.
Training Courses
Level 2 Mental Health Training
This is a 7 hour Ofqual Regulated full day course. Suitable for: Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders, Safeguarding Governors, Chair of Governors, School Business Managers.
Level 3 Mental Health Training
Suitable for: The lead professionals responsible for Mental Health support in your organizations. e.g: Designated Mental Health Professionals in School: Headteachers, SENCOs, Senior Leaders
Family Support Advisers, Designated Safeguarding Leaders/Deputy DSL’s. -
Level 3 Safeguarding Training
This is a 7 hour Ofqual Regulated course - Level 3 Award in Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Suitable for: Headteachers, Senior Leaders
SENCOs, Designated Safeguarding Leaders
Family Support Advisers and Governers. -
Safeguarding / Mental Health INSET Training
These are half day bespoke courses designed for your school. Suitable for: Leadership Team, Teachers, TA's / LSA's, Admin Team, Governors.
Level 3 Anaphylaxis Management
This training is for qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders to enable them to recognise and treat anaphylaxis safely and effectively. This course is suitable for all First Aiders and healthcare professionals, as well as those in a high risk environment where such medication is available.
Level 3 Award In Emergency Paediatric First Aid
The qualification is designed for learners with a responsibility for the care of children and babies providing the knowledge and practical competence to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations.
Level 3 First Aid At Work
Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for a First Aider in the Workplace, this three-day qualification
will give the participants a qualification to the highest level of First Aid, meeting the statutory requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982. -
Level 3 Paediatric First Aid
The qualification is designed for learners with a responsibility for the care of children and babies on a professional level providing the knowledge and practical competence to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations. This 12-hour qualification meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure adequate numbers of appropriately trained personnel.
Level 3 Emergency First Aid At Work (1day)
Where a workplace first aid risk assessment identifies a need for an Emergency First Aider in the Workplace, this one-day qualification meets the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982.
Tailored Safeguarding Training for Governors And Trustees
Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that all governors and trustees receive
APPROPRIATE safeguarding and child protection (including online) training at induction. This training should equip them with the knowledge to provide strategic challenge to test and assure themselves that
the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in schools and colleges are effective and support the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding.
Forthcoming events
January 2022
Online Safety in the Modern Age
Tuesday 11th January
March 2022
Mental Health in Primary Schools Conference
Monday 28th March 2022
To find out more please contact us.
Orange days represent online sessions and the blue days represent face to face sessions.